Sharing the Joy and Power of Life in Christ!
Christian Formation
Christian Formation is a life-long learning process in which we are gradually transformed into the people God wants us to be. By engaging our minds in learning and thinking we begin to discern God’s desires for our lives. We delight God when we draw closer and when we reach out to our companions along the way – sharing the gifts which God has given us and making a difference in our community and the world. We nurture the formation of our parish through many programs in Adult Education, Youth Ministry and Children’s Programs.
Christian Formation programs for all ages are available during the Christian Formation Hour, 9:00-9:45 every Sunday during the school year.
Emmanuel Church is a Safe Church for all children. All of our staff and volunteers who work with children follow the Diocese Of Southern Virginia Safe Church Guidelines.
Find out what you can do during the Christian Formation Hour on Sunday mornings.
Outside the formation office one can find a registration form that you can fill out.