Sharing the Joy and Power of Life in Christ!
The mission of the Inreach Commission at Emmanuel is to care for our fellow parishioners in times of joy and crisis. We believe that our responsibility for one another extends beyond church walls and beyond Sunday morning.
Ministries organized under the Inreach Commission are:
Parish Care — a very active ministry that provides a variety of services to our parishioners, including arranging support during times of illness and loss. Efforts may include engaging other ministries to provide meals, child care, help with household chores or other needs.
Martha’s Ministry — organizes food for grieving families in time of death and provides food at receptions after funerals.
Prayer Chain — a group of parishioners who respond to email requests for prayers in times of need.
Card Ministry — a ministry that sends cards to parishioners on their birthdays and anniversaries, as well as in times of sadness.
Tree of Life Memorial — maintains a permanent memorial plaque that stands as a remembrance of loved ones who have passed on, but are not forgotten. Each person is remembered with a brass leaf and a page in the memorial book.
Meal Ministry — provides meals to individuals during times of need.
Healing Ministry — provides confidential intercessory prayer during communion.